
Teaching English with songs (2021-22)

Konstantina Kotronarou (Γ2) and Foteini Baltadorou (B5) designed song-based lessons and provided their classmates with an engaging learning experience through listening, completing worksheets and discussing the meaning of the song lyrics and the message the song conveys. 

→  Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez)       by Konstantina Kotronarou  

A song about the false picture of  a 'perfect' family presented to the outside world. Family relationships can be as fake as a plastic doll...

Worksheets created by Konstantina Kotronarou (Γ2)

→  If I can dream (Elvis Presley)     by Foteini Baltadorou

A song about the dream of everyone getting along, searching for truth, beauty, goodness and peace. A tribute to dream and hope…  If only we could all dream!!

and a gap-fill activity in memory of Frank Sinatra, the Swing Era and his 'bobby-soxer' fans.

Worksheets created by Foteini Baltadorou (B5)

Foteini Baltadorou also made a fabulous oral presentation about Elvis Presley.
Both students "did it their way..."!!!